Life is complicated. It always was and it shall always continue to be so. Not just for me, but for everyone else as well. There comes a day in your life when, in spite of the best of efforts you find yourself lost trying to figure out what just went wrong. And the inability to find a plausible explanation leads to frustration which can, at times culminate into a period of anhedonia. If left unattended, it may at times precipitate and attack of depression.
Life has taught me to survive this draught. Even in the darkest of times there is still hope and, hope is what we survive on. But how to survive on the fine thread on which life hangs... The thread of hope.
Well, you need to have faith for that. Faith that the thread will not give away; that it will cling on and carry the burden of pressure till the time turns ripe. It is faith on which the world survives. It is faith that makes a baby giggle when he is suspended by his father in the air - faith that he will be caught in the safe grasp of his father just when he starts falling back.
And so, the basic idea is to have faith on that thin thread of hope. However, as I said life is complicated. Sometimes the thread breaks and your world crumbles down into two pieces and you are left with nothing but negative emotions. and if you keep on carrying these negative emotions forward, they impact your future endeavours as well. And so one must learn to remain calm and emotionally stable at times of despire.
My life experiences have taught me one effective method. Exercise. Whenever someone has asked for my advice on non-pharmacological methods for management of depression, I've always quoted, 'When you are happy, workout. When you are unhappy, workout harder.'
In simplest of terms, this is exactly what exercise does. Regular exercise done judiciously and religiously can go a long way in dealing with emotional issues like anhedonia, depressed mood to Frank depression. It helps with sleep and curbs insomnia.
Stress, altered sleep cycle, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, dyslipidemia open contribute together to a common problems faced by today's youth: erectile dysfunction. Regular exercise can work miracle in bed.
So, whenever you are feeling down, hit the gym and sweat out your frustration; anger; depression; or whatever negative emotions your mind is being bothered with...
When you are happy, workout
When you are unhappy, workout harder...