a story lurks in every corner...

Men at work

Yesterday we had heavy rainfall. As the raindrops brought down the temperature to a pleasing cool throughout the city, many places had power cuts because of trees and poles falling and such other mishaps and my neighborhood was no exception to it. But as we woke up to a beautiful morning with cloudy sky and cool breeze, it didn't matter much if the power was gone - At least for me.
But electricity is a necessity in modern life and no one is an exception to it. Soon the men from electricity department where all around in the vicinity and were fixing up stuffs. As I opened the window facing the road i caught a glimpse of this guy fixing a damaged electricity pole. The guy was obviously fearless and doing his job with competence and confidence, I have no doubt about that, but a closer look at him made me wonder about his safety. Was he bothered or does anybody bother??

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