a story lurks in every corner...


Tuesday morning after the long night shift, I came down from the CB-TOP OT to get in some morning air and the cool sunlight. It was refreshing and I was dead tired.

I was thirsty for the early morning dose of tea and so crossed the road and bought myself a cup of Garam Cha from the tea shop.

The tea was not very refreshing though, but after the long night posting it felt good. Sipping the tea I took a walk on the empty pavement with a few people strolling around.

A few steps ahead I saw an empty bench and took my seat enjoying the cool morning breeze. There was a man peeling off sugarcanes to keep ready the stems for drawing juices out and selling to the passing by customers. He had his machine ready for the purpose.

As I watched him get busy with his job, two teenagers passed me by busily talking among themselves. I couldn’t help but overhear them. One was telling the other in a disturbed tone, ‘ You know what happened?  My internet pack got empty and I was out of the internet for one whole day!’. And the other guy responded with a gesture of limitless surprise asking, ‘what? That can’t be true!’.

‘Yes it is’, responded the guy, ‘ it was like Fu**…’ and they passed by…

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