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(TOI): Hindu families should have at least three kids: RSS

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Just read the article on TOI and many of the comments along with it.
India has approx 2 % of the land area which supports more then 16 % of the world population!
It is easy to understand what an immense pressure we put on our country. Whatever development we make, a considerable part of it goes into providing for this huge population. And this population explosion is evident every where today.
Even in a public toilet one often has to wait in a queue which many times, gets longer and longer by people waiting .....!!!
Unemployment, government hospital services, public transport etc are all in a messy condition at many places because of the huge population pressure they are subjected to...
In this context, is it actually wise if we let out such a comment???
It is also surprising that many of the readers who commented on the article seem to be more interested in numbers rather then the ultimate output as a whole.
For a rich person of any religious faith, who earns in lakhs a month, having 3 or even more children may not be a big issue as he may be able to provide for his children.
But we seem to have forgotten that a huge portion of our country is still uneducated and many spend their lifetime living somewhere around the BPL (below poverty line) mark.
It is these people who will ultimately bear the ill effects of such practices.
Hindus think their numbers are decreasing and they reproduce more. In effect Muslims also think they are under threat and they again following the trend increase their fertility. In the end, there arises a whole group of citizens who are ultimately deprived of the basic needs of civilised life....like proper education, health care etc....
This will only worsen the situation rather than helping out with a solution.
If one is so desperate to increase family size beyond the current two child norm, then rather producing a third child, it is much better to adopt one beyond own blood line, which has already come to this world and is in need of a better life and a loving family....
I don't think it really matters if the child gets adopted by a hindu or a muslim , as long as the family he or she goes into is educated and responsible as a part of this great nation...

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