a story lurks in every corner...

Castrated by Lobsters!!!

A daring thief who stuffed a pair of live lobsters in his pants learned that crime doesn't pay when the frisky creatures gave him a vasec­tomy!

Police say that the 24-year-old shoplifter was leaving a Bristol. Eng­land. supermarket when he removed the lobsters from their tank and shoved them in his trousers. The man sprinted past stunned check-out girls, but came to a screeching halt when he felt the lobsters clutching on his MAN­HOOD!!!

The thorny creatures were finally removed when emergency medics pried them loose with pliers. Doctors say the thief will fully recover from his frightening tangle with the lob­sters, but he will never be a daddy
"Basically it was a do-it-yourself vasectomy," said the doctor. The patient’s sexual abilities will be restored in time, but he will not be able to fa­ther children."

The thief’s painful prank landed him in the hospital, where he is ex­pected to remain for three or four weeks. But thanks to a kindhearted supermarket manager, he will not be charged with any crime.
"The guy's gone through enough pain," said the store tanager. "I think he has learned his lesson. I doubt if he'll ever steal again."

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