a story lurks in every corner...

Durga Puja: thy second name is Misty Bhoj

Went to brunch at Misti Hub, Eco Park, Kolkata.

Durga Puja is the biggest festival for a Bengali Hindu. Come the day of dashami, a Bengali waves goodbye to the mother goddess with a heavy heart and waits eagerly all through the year for the return of these four days of festivities. He cleans up his house; plans his leave from office work days ahead; finishes up a long list of shopping for himself and his loved ones; catches up with friends, family and relatives and goes pandal hopping all through the night and last, but not the least goes on a gastronomic adventure trip with sweets forming an integral part of diet plans which has been put off the track again this year because of Durga Puja. A Bengali doesn't exist without misti. 

The flowers in our balcony

Life ain't easy for anyone. Sometimes the going gets very tough even for the toughest. I was passing through one such phase when I decided to do something about it apart from trying to resolve my ongoing issues.
 It all started one day with a friend suggesting me to plant some flowers. The idea caught on and soon all the three balconies in our flat we were filled with different type of plants. As they matured and bloomed it gave immense pleasure to us.
 Having plants at home and caring for them helps a lot with the fight against a depressed mood. A plant in full bloom as a beauty to behold.
 Today I woke up to these beautiful flowers wishing me good morning as I stepped into my balcony. Decided to capture the moment and share it with everyone.
 A thing of beauty is joy forever...

দেবীপক্ষে বৃষ্টিপাত

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