a story lurks in every corner...

What to do if Ration Card is not available for LPG connection

My father had a transferable job that took us to many places in India mostly in the North-eastern States. After completion of my schooling I left my parents to take up higher education in West Bengal and for the decade that followed till date, I have been living on my own as studies took me from one place to another. 

As a single guy, I never much bothered for a gas connection. There was the microwave oven, the Induction cooking systems as well as the meals from outside occasionally.

However, recently as I shifted to a new location and finally decided to settle things down here, the need to have an LPG connection dawned on me. Collecting information form the local residents, I soon rushed to the local LPG dealer to apply for a new connection. The process seemed easy without much hassle except for one thing - I didn't have a Ration Card. After arguing with the man at the counter for the connection, I finally Googled for a solution. I found out that it was possible to get a connection even if one didn't have a Ration Card but the man at the counter had turned me back saying, 'apply for a Ration Card and once you get it, come back to us.'

I went back armed with the information gathered from internet and charged them. Finally, they reluctantly let it out that it is possible to get a connection without a Ration Card. All you have to do, it to give an Affidavit done on a rupees 10 or 20 Non-judicial Stamp paper and get the document 'notarized' and submit it in place of Ration Card along with other required documents and your work will be done.

The Affidavit form is something like this:

I                               , son of                                              , age          yrs, resident of (complete address at which LPG connection is required)                                                                                                             desire to take domestic LPG connection in my name and affirm as under M/S._______.
1)      That I am an Indian citizen
2)      That my date of birth is ________           
3)      That neither I nor any other family member of the household (household means family consisting of husband, wife, unmarried children and dependent parents living together in a dwelling unit having a common kitchen) posses any LPG connection from PSU Oil Companies or Piped Natural Gas connection for domestic use.
4)      That I do not have Ration Card in my name or in the name of any family member of my family as defined above
5)      That I am enclosing the following documents:
a)      Electric Bill as proof of address
b)      PAN Card as proof of identity
6)      I confirm that the LPG connection issued to me will be used in my above-mentioned address and for domestic cooking purpose only and I shall abide by all terms governing its use.
7)      That I shall not position any other LP gas installations in the same kitchen.
8)      That as and when second cylinder is issued to me against this connection the same will also be used in the same kitchen and with the original installation.
9)      That whenever I change my residence from the present address to another, I will inform the M/S _______(name of distributors/RGGLV) in writing in advance for change of address in the records.
10)   That if any information/declaration given by me in this undertaking or any document submitted in support of identity/ residence proof shall be found untrue, or incorrect, or false, Indian Oil Corporation/ Bharat Petroleum Corporation/ Hindustan Petroleum Corporation would be within its rights to withdraw the supply of gas/ Terminate the connection/ solve the equipments/ forfeit the security deposit and that I would have no claim, whatsoever against Indian Oil Corporation/ Bharat Petroleum Corporation/ Hindustan Petroleum Corporation for such withdrawal/Termination/ Seizure/ forfeiture.

I hereby declare that whatever has been stated above is true to the best of my knowledge, correct and nothing material has been concealed there from.

Date:                                                                     Signature of the person giving the Declaration/Affidavit

Place:                                                                    Name: