a story lurks in every corner...

Get together at my place in Dumdum (07/04/13)

We had a gr8 time...cooking, gossiping, eating, catching up with each other...

getting ready for the job!!!

the Mutton Curry!!!

rice/ alu pyaj bhaja/ garlic chicken!!! 

preparing the table :)

 us...hungry and ready !!!

the Luncheon - 1

the Luncheon - 2

1st rain of summer

A long and tiring day for me it was today. Running all day, completing tasks; attending to routine duties and so on... Finally when I reached home after the hot Kolkata summer day, I was feeling fully drenched out and dead tired. Kolkata'n summer can be a horrible experience L

At home also there were so many things to do. Cleaning up all the mess collected; washing clothes; cooking…really life of a bachelor living alone is tough L

Well what to do… I thought. There’s no way out of it at the moment. And so I went on… getting on with the tasks at hand and in turn tiring myself further.

By 9.05pm I was almost done. I had my bath and as I was drying my wet body, the thought passed, ‘what’s the use? Soon it’ll feel hot again’… but then as I came out of the bathroom I could feel the wind blowing outside. O! was that a thunder?!! I rushed into the balcony and yes! The wind was blowing harsh. A thunder stroke with a crash and boom. And soon the drops of rain came rushing down as if desperate to meet the dry and heated earth.

Wow! The 1st rain in summer feels so good. Simply awesome. And soon the temperature in the wind dropped. I could feel it.  Just too good…. :D

Easy homemade Mosquito Remedy

Today as I was browsing through Facebook, I came across an interesting article that caught my attention. It was a post on an easy way to capture mosquitoes by a home-made device.

The steps indicated for making the device were very easy and so I did some internet research and soon found that many fellow bloggers have recommended the device as well.

I think, with the rains due to arrive, this device can be a very handy and economic device in local mosquito control measure in our own household.

So, here I post the steps of making the thing:

Things which will be needed basically are:

  • 200 ml water
  • 50 grams of brown sugar,
  • 1 gram of yeast (yeast bread, found in any supermarket) and a 
  • 2-liter plastic bottle.
  • Black wrapping paper

Now, The Steps
  1. Cut the plastic bottle (PET type) in half. Storing the neck portion:
  2. Mix brown sugar with hot water. Let cool. When cold, pour in the bottom half of the bottle.
  3. Add the yeast. No need to mix. It creates carbon dioxide.
  4. Place the funnel part, upside down, into the other half of the bottle.
  5. Wrap the bottle with something black, minus the top, and put in some corner of your house.

In two weeks you will see the amount of mosquitoes and mosquitoes who died inside!!!
